I'm Not Wonder Woman: A Reminder

Running does things to you. It builds stamina, increases confidence, improves mental health and has a profound effect on your overall fitness.

Or, in my case, it gives you one overweening ego. 

I don't know why I think being a runner makes my lower body invincible to the pain ordinary mortals may experience, but it does. It's why I continue to remain shocked at how horrible I am at spinning. It's also why I'm reluctant to admit--at midnight on a Friday--that my glutes, hamstrings, and thighs are KILLING me, compliments of Jillian Michaels. 

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Crossfit Failure

I have a not-so-small Groupon addiction I'm working through. The daily deals flood my inbox each morning and I'm helpless to turn away. Full massage session for half price? 15 yoga classes for the price of 10? Brazillian wax for one-third the normal price? (Hang on to your hats for THAT blog post.) I can't say no.

Which is how I ended up paying $45 for one month of 12 Crossfit sessions.

In case you're not familiar with it,...

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Reading Lists

Bibliophiles typically keep a list of books they would like or intend to read. This is normal. 

I'm a bit backwards. For the past sixteen years, I have kept not a list of books I want to read, but rather a running list of every book I've ever read. 

I no longer remember what started this cataloging obsession, just that in the early part of 1996 I opened a file in Word, called it "Books," and listed the 8 or so books I'd already read that year. Then I kept going. For sixteen years. Textbook, comic book, fiction, non-fiction... short of recording the nutrition label on cereal boxes, if I read it, it made the list.

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