Alexander and the Lion's Cut

Here's one of the e-mails I received on the Great Cat Butt Wiping Adventure story, along with accompanying photo of Alexander.  Thanks to Alex's owner, Linda, for giving me permission to reprint here:

Hello Dena,
Oh my gosh...what a great story !! I have this 5 year old , 25 lb Main Coon (Alexander), who also can't seem to reach his bottom. I've only had him about 4 months and I've had lots of cats in the past but none with this problem. I took him to a groomer about a month ago to get a cool "lion cut" for the summer months and his bottom was a disgrace. Anyway, they cleaned him up good and said I could bring him back anytime for a bottom wash (only $5). I try to keep him clean with baby wipes but sometimes he's not in the mood and when a 25 lb cat is not in the mood to have his bottom cleaned don't get done! Anyway, I decided today he was going to have a bottom wash here at home. So I put some cat shampoo in the sink with warm water and put him up on the counter, with his bottom next to the edge of the sink and we got it done. His bottom is washed, rinsed and dry and the view is much better as he walks away from me with his big fluffy tail up in the air. Thanks for the great story & the idea to just do it myself.
Linda Shook
Lakewood, WA


The Great Cat Butt Wiping Adventure - Fan Mail

You know, I try my best as a writer.  I work hard, research, double check facts, interview experts and spend hours searching for the perfect words.  But there's not a lot of recognition in the craft.  My piece on Morris the Cat's comeback?  Big deal.  My article on what happens to pets when owners divorce?  No one cared.  All my articles on breeds and backgrounds?  All escaped unnoticed.

Which is why I am LAUGHING at the fact that yesterday when the new issue of Cats & Kittenscame out that contained my humor piece on having to wipe my cat's ass because she was too fat to clean herself, I received no less than 3 pieces of fan e-mail before 5 o'clock.  All this time I've been trying to write high-profile pieces when really what I should have been focusing on is poo.

I love it though.  What a great feeling to know you made someone laugh through your writing.  It's the best high there is.  And I doubly appreciate it because I know how difficult it is to get people to write in about anything.  So I'm honored they bothered to find my website, then my e-mail and go to the trouble of dropping me a line.  Absolutely made my day.

BTW, I e-mailed my editor that I was receiving complimentary mail on the piece and advised her if she ever needed someone to write about s---, I was her gal.  Her response: "I had always suspected as much."

It's great to be valued. =)


How Cool Is This Blog Looking?

Not that I take much credit.  My super-cool friend and Lessons In Stalking website designer Melody Watsonhas been busy behind the scenes on my behalf. She has the patience of a saint.  Our e-mail conversations consist of me saying something along the lines of "I want a blue background," then turning around when Melody provides said blue background and saying, "This isn't right.  Do you have anything in yellow?"  She also doesn't complain when I send her 50 consecutive e-mails with the subject heading "One More Thing."

I've added some pics to my picture gallery so don't forget to take a peek.

Participating in a Panel Group of Writers

We returned this AM from our trip to the mountains to see the Highland Games (see "Highland Games" entry) and I ran a quick shower and then dashed into downtown Greensboro to participate in a writer's panel sponsored by the Writer's Group of the Triad (WGOT).

I must say, there was a certain feeling of having "arrived" as a writer in being asked to sit on the panel and have a roomful of people looking to you for advice.  I can only hope I didn't disappoint.  Actually, I was really more secondary to the panel.  Most people in the room appeared to have an interest in how to publish their book--either fiction or non-fiction--they're working on. 

I was floored by the turnout.  32 people! When Blair said good-bye and asked me how many people we thought would attend I shrugged and said it could be as low as five and we'd be happy with 12-15.  It shows me how many people have the desire to write and be heard.  I think there's a little place in all our hearts where we long to live on a bit past our days, maybe imparting humor, wisdom or knowledge for those that follow.

I wish I'd thought to bring a camera to the event.  I usually carry one but we'd packed it for our trip and I didn't think to take it along.

I'm drop dead tired.  It's 8:20 and I'll consider it a successful night if my eyes stay open until 9.  However, before I go to bed I've got to have Blair go over his notes with me from where he proofread the LIS book this afternoon, catch up on some e-mails with my website designer, mail checks to the petsitter and the final installment to my book cover designer, and answer about 8 of the 52 e-mails that were waiting to greet me when I got home.

Or promise myself I'll get up early in the morning and do it then.  Ah ha ha!!! (evil laugh).