May The Force (And the Geek) Be With You

Yes, we're geeks. We get it. 

Saturday we went with my niece and her family to the Carolina Renaissance Festival, complete with jousting tournaments, everyday spectators who arrive in full Renaissance regalia, and  disgusting 2 lb. roasted turkey legs that everyone walks around gnawing on, leaving a trail of dripping grease behind them. (Shockingly, medieval times weren't vegetarian friendly.)  

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The Married Life: A Moment

We're in the car this morning, pulling into the Wal-Mart parking lot. I'd been flipping through radio stations and started to punch past one when Blair said, "Oooh, that' Steely Dan," so I let it play. For about 1 minute. That's all I could take. Twang-twang-screech-twang-screech. I reached over and changed stations.

"Sorry," I said. "That just goes to the base of my spine." 

Blair heaved a sigh. "I know, sugar," he said. "Anything that brings me happiness goes to the base of your spine." 

♥ The dude cracks me up. ♥

The Married Life: Lovin' Housework

While eating cereal this morning, I perused yesterday's edition of the Wall Street Journal and read the following tidbit aloud to Blair: 

"A new study shows that for husbands and wives alike, the more housework you do, the more often you are likely to have sex with your spouse."

"I'm cleaning the litterbox!" called Blair from the hall where he was, in fact, emptying out the litterbox. "Whoo-hoo! Let's get it on!" 

It's getting more and more dangerous to read the paper.



The Married Life: After the Anniversary

As you know, Blair and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary last week. Even though it was just another night at home, I made sure I looked nice - hair and makeup done, flattering clothes, light perfume... that sort of thing.

The next day I was busy running errands, cleaning house, and exercising. I don't think I ever got around to showering and so when Blair got home I looked less than glamorous - wild hair, no makeup, bags under the eyes, stained clothing.

"Well..." said Blair, surveying me.

"Sorry, my warranty expired at 15 years," I said. "This is what you get from now on."

I offered to sell him an extended warranty but he declined and made some reference to old clunkers often holding together for years. 

Ha! Funny, funny man...