The Spaghetti Story

Sometimes I think I missed out on not having kids. Look at all the great blog posts I'm missing! Luckily, I have my sister and her two boys to fill the void. So I have for you today a special treat: THE SPAGHETTI STORY

My sister's youngest, Cole, is 4. My sister was out of the house one night and her husband Grant made a spaghetti dinner for the boys. Cole is a good eater but every now and then he just gets it in him mind that he's not going to eat, and so it was with the spaghetti. Nope, not having it. 

Well, said Grant, everyone who finishes their spaghetti gets a treat and gets to go outside and play. No dice. Cole refused to eat. So Grant and his older son finish their meal and they go outside to play. "You can come outside once you finish your dinner," Grant told Cole.

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Smug Marrieds: The Hey Cutie Scenario

You know you need to pay more attention to your spouse when...

Blair and I are sitting on different sofas in the same room, reading. I look up and am struck with how handsome he is as he concentrates on his book.

"Hi, Cutie," I say.

No response.

"Hi Cutie," I repeat. 


I clear my throat and Blair looks up. "Sorry, what?" he asks.

"I was just saying, 'Hi Cutie,'" I answered.

"To me? Oh. I just assumed there was a cat walking through the room."


A Bad Run & A Lesson In Dehydration

I had a horrible run yesterday. I set out to do 11 miles and ended up walking almost the entire last 3 miles of it. It would be easy to blame it on the heat (already past 80 degrees when we started at 7:30 am) but that wasn't it. The Greenway was packed with runners, each pushing forward through air so thick it literally felt like it was pushing you back. No, for me, if was a combination of factors that included: 

  • Barely drinking any water the day before the run
  • Not eating a proper meal the night before the run
  • Heading out too fast in the initial miles
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Facebook: What if we posted what's REALLY going on?

Do you Facebook? If the answer is yes, how much thought do you put into a post before you hit the SEND button? 

I read a book recently that discussed how people--especially teenagers--use Facebook to craft a carefully vetted persona. The person representing them on FB is just that--a representation, usually of who they wish they were versus the real thing. They use great care when listing what bands they like, who they saw at the local hang-out, or what they're doing while on vacation. There's also a lot of plotting that goes into whose wall they post on or who they mention in a post and don't even get me started on the pictures. It's amazing how there's not one bad picture of any of us floating out there on Facebook. If there is, we untag that puppy faster than you can say, "Unlike." 

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