You Talkin' to ME??

I talk a good talk but really I'm a wimp when it comes to confrontation. At heart I'm much more of a "Can't we all just get along?" type girl. 

But sometimes you need to stick up for yourself--or others--and I had not one but two such issues facing me this week. One was the fact that the VA Beach Half Marathon lost Blair's official time. He just disappeared off the grid. Not a big deal for him, but it was for me. He trained hard. I wanted him to have an official time and I was willing to throw a temper tantrum to get it.

The second fight was about pants. Dirty pants, to be specific.

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Virginia Beach 1/2 Marathon - Confidence Builder

The men of the VA Beach 1/2 MarathonThis weekend Blair and I and three other fun-loving runner couples packed up the Garmins and running shoes and ventured to VA Beach for the VA Beach Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon

In a word, FUN. Flat, fast course, great crowd support, and at the end of the race they handed out towels dipped in ice-water and rocket pops. Plus, I got to run the race with friends. Does it get any better?

Actually, yes, it does.

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Did the Blog Die?

Someone asked me today if I'd given up on my blog. (Three days that I didn't post anything people. Three days! You may want to look into that whole "getting a life" thing they're talking about on Twitter.) 

No, I haven't abandoned the blog. I'm just swamped with work. I've balancing 2 big client projects that are eating up most of my days (and nights). My book proposal is in desperate need of a revision based on recent feedback I received, but that's going to have to wait, probably for at least another 2 weeks. I haven't even been able to find the time to prepare BILLS for my clients which, hmmm, yes, is a problem. 

Add on that this weekend is the Virginia Beach Half-Marathon and I'm still trying to get in my runs, boot camp and cross training, along with getting the car serviced, preparing for the house sitter, reminding Rockingham county artists for the umpteenth time that their entries are due by September 1st for the Artist Studio Tour and blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah... I'm busy. 

I'm also experiencing computer blindness and I think my hands are locked into the arched typing position, so I'm going to call it a night. 



Blueberry Found A Home!!

No more cages for this sweet dogWhen I checked my e-mail this morning, I found a note informing me that Blueberry, the dog from last week's post who had been at the Shelter for over 2 years, has been adopted!! A retired couple who had adopted another dog from the Shelter came back for Blueberry.

Many thanks to all of you who e-mailed and checked in with me to offer to pay Blueberry's adoption fee or just let me know you were pulling for this sweet girl. I am swooning with happiness for her. She gets her own bed! She gets ear and back scratchies! She gets a yard (30 acres) and treats and love. Lots of love. She's earned it. 

Today is a good day. 

