Smug Marrieds: The Price of Beauty

Winter is known around our house as "The Season of the Blair." The man can put off some serious body heat. You only have to hold your hand up to within maybe 4 inches of him and you can literally feel the heat radiating off him. Since my body temperature hovers somewhere around 30 degrees even in the summer, I love it. I I follow him from room to room and it's like having my own portable heater.

Except something has changed. We've both noticed it. Often times lately we'll hold hands and I'll remark how cold his hand is or--and this is Twilight Zone weird--he'll comment on how warm my hand feels to him. 

We were eating dinner the other night and Blair asked if the heat was on because he was freezing. 

"What's up with that?" I asked. "Where did thermonuclear man go?"

"I don't know," said Blair.

"I bet I know what it is. You lost all that weight this year (he lost 25 lbs in Jan/Feb) plus you eat mainly a vegetarian diet because of me. Vegetarians are known to have lower body temps than meat eaters."

"So what you're saying is this is your fault," said Blair.

"I'm saying a cold body temp is the price you have to pay for looking hot," I said, winking. 

Blair muttered something. "What?" I asked. 

"I said I think I liked it better when I was fat and warm," said Blair. 



24-Hour Ultra - In Or Out? I Can't Decide...

Some of you may recall that back in July I signed up for my first ultra. A 24-hour race on just under a 1 mile loop trail. People said I was crazy. I scoffed.

I'm not scoffing any longer. The race is next weekend and I am FREAKING OUT. So much so, that I called my sole sister Cindy (the only person who signed up to do this race with me, btw) today and told her I couldn't do it. I was out. Back in July when it was light until 10 pm and there was no biting wind at night, it seemed like a good idea. Now, it just seems stupid. I gave her my list of reasons for bailing: 

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Smug Marrieds: Retraining

The North Carolina Marathon was this past Saturday and I celebrated not having to run it by working one of the water stops with my Saturday running group, the Blueliners. 

The race started at 8 am. We had to be at our water stop by 7:30 to set up and the location was about 50 minutes from my house, which is a long way of saying that I had Blair wake me up at 5:30 a.m.  

I'd stayed up later than usual the night before and I was not shaking off sleep easily. I love being in bed in the morning when you're buried under the covers and have made a little nest for yourself out of your body heat and your pillow is so soft...

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