I'm Not Wonder Woman: A Reminder

Running does things to you. It builds stamina, increases confidence, improves mental health and has a profound effect on your overall fitness.

Or, in my case, it gives you one overweening ego. 

I don't know why I think being a runner makes my lower body invincible to the pain ordinary mortals may experience, but it does. It's why I continue to remain shocked at how horrible I am at spinning. It's also why I'm reluctant to admit--at midnight on a Friday--that my glutes, hamstrings, and thighs are KILLING me, compliments of Jillian Michaels. 

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Crossfit Failure

I have a not-so-small Groupon addiction I'm working through. The daily deals flood my inbox each morning and I'm helpless to turn away. Full massage session for half price? 15 yoga classes for the price of 10? Brazillian wax for one-third the normal price? (Hang on to your hats for THAT blog post.) I can't say no.

Which is how I ended up paying $45 for one month of 12 Crossfit sessions.

In case you're not familiar with it,...

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The Mom Diaries: Gone With The Wind

Today's post is written by my mom. She moved here to North Carolina from Chicago two years ago and is still "adjusting." This is an e-mail she sent me yesterday, reprinted with her permission.     


Gone With The Wind

by S. Karides

Chivalry is not gone, it lives on in the South.

Yesterday was my first attempt this year to mow the lawn.  I dragged out the mower, filled it with gas, checked the oil and I'm off.  After about 3 circles around the backyard I smell and see smoke.  I shut the mower off immediately but the smoke keeps getting heavier.  Fearing the fire department would show any minute, I tried to fan the mower to cool it off (you would to if you saw what I did).  Main thought: Blair is going to kill me!!  

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