Going Home

This weekend I drove to Ohio for my aunt's funeral. While it was a sad occasion, I was happy to reconnect with extended family, some of whom I hadn't seen in almost 20 years. 

Since much of my family remains in Dayton and my best friend lives in Cincinnati, I usually drive to Ohio several times a year. And every time I cross the bridge that brings me into Ohio, the one with the great big "Ohio Welcomes You" greeting, I exhale a sigh of relief. I'm home. 

It's interesting. I've lived in North Carolina for 21 years and it's still not home. The people are still a mystery to me, as are some of the sayings, habits and customs. I enjoy returning to Ohio simply because I understand the people and the land with a depth that I'll never achieve in NC, no matter how long I live here.

Driving past farmhouses or brick ranches in tree-lined neighborhoods, I know exactly what the decor looks like inside. I know they keep the Joy kitchen soap underneath the sink with an extra scrubby and that they spare key to the front door is underneath the loose brick in the front flower garden. I know how they wear their hair, where they buy their clothes, what they think is funny and just how far you can go discussing religion or politics. I know the linen closet is most likely a mess and that cans of Campbell's tomato, chicken noodle, and mushroom soup will be in every kitchen, as well as a box of Lipton soup mix which can be transformed into a killer salad dressing. 

I know the importance of high school football, homecoming dances and staying up-to-date on the oil changes and tire rotation for your car. Everyone has chains for their tires in their garage in case of a deep snow and the yard will be mowed by 11 a.m. every Saturday morning without question, thank you very much. 

Catholic is the dominant religion and everyone goes to their festivals whether you're Catholic or not. Casseroles are king and Jello molds with suspended fruit are perfectly acceptable to bring as your offering to a neighborhood picnic. 

I'm always happy to return to North Carolina, but I was thinking on this drive back that still in my mind, North Carolina is where I live. Ohio is home. 

And it's always good to go home. 



New Home For The Harris’

A typical day's haulLots of activity on the Harris front, which explains why I’ve been MIA on the blog.

The big news is that we’re putting our Madison home on the market and moving to Greensboro. The photo to the right is a big reason why. I now drive to Greensboro 6-7 days a week and I’m exhausted from living like a bag lady.  With purse, gym bag, computer bag, grocery bags, lunch bag, coat and stuff I pick up from errands, it usually takes me two trips in from the car to unload all my stuff. Then I pack it up again the next morning and repeat. Aside from the clutter, I’m losing at least an hour and half every day to drive time. No mas.  

Luckily, house hunting is something Blair and I both enjoy.

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Smug Marrieds: A Fitting Year End

Most bloggers round out the year with well wishes for their readers' good health and happiness. Not me. I'm ending with a Smug Married. What can I say? I'm a truth teller. 

Dena, arriving home from her afternoon workout, bursts in the door: Guess what? I deadlifted 185 today at Crossfit. 

Blair: That's great. 

Blair is cleaning the house, so Dena runs upstairs to grab the vacuum to help. On the way back down she accidentally swings the vacuum against the wall, almost taking out a piece of plaster. 

Dena: Oops. 

Blair: Woman, you're lying to me. I know you can't deadlift no 185 pounds when you can't even carry a vacuum down the stairs. 

And so the Smug Marrieds move on to 2013.

From our home to yours,



New (Free) Shoes!

What's better than new running shoes? FREE new running shoes!

I recently participated in the Wake Forest Runner's Study and my reward was a $100 gift certificate to New Balance shoes in Winston-Salem. I'd been needing trail shoes for months so it was the perfect match. Almost.

I'm a Brooks running shoe girl. Always have been. I feel like I'm cheating on my brand, sneaking the New Balance into the house. Plus, they're much more minimalist then I'm used to. They feel like the thin paper baggies you slip over your shoes at a new home showing versus an actual shoe. I'm going to need to do some short trail runs and build up my endurance for wearing these. 

But free is free. These were on clearance so I had $15 left over and I bought some gaudy rainbow colored socks to wear with them 'cause that's how I roll. Plus, I don't want to get lost on the trail. You see some runner out there in turquoise shoes and purple socks, sobbing about how her paper baggie shoes failed her, yeah. That's me. Throw me a Gu and point me in the right direction.

