Leaving Freelance For Full-Time Work

Big announcement in the world of Dena: I have accepted a position as a communications specialist (fancy phrase for "writer") with The Sales Factory, a research-based strategic marketing firm in Greensboro, NC. 

"What?!" you say. "Is it the apocalypse?"  

Nope. The stars simply aligned to bring everything together in what, looking back, is an amazing fit of various pieces of the life puzzle. 

You know we've moved to Greensboro. What I haven't posted is that we moved into the new home on a Wednesday and I started my new job the following Monday. House, job, life... boom. It was quite a week. 

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Follow Up: The Week Of No Exercise

You may recall that right before our move I decided to take a week off from exercise. I'd been feeling mentally and physically run down and needed a break. Sure, I moved and unpacked boxes, but compared to my regular exercise routine, I truly cut back. No running. No biking. No power yoga. No sit-ups, chin-ups, push-ups. No Crossfit or BodyPump. Nada. I took two short walks and that was it. 

Saturday marked my return to exercise with a long run. I took some classes on Sunday and did a sprint workout and Crossfit yesterday.

How did it feel? Did I come back rested and stronger?

I don't think so. If anything, I feel just as sluggish as before. I got through the workouts, but I admit I expected to come back with a bit of a Superman vibe, tackling the exercise with renewed strength and vigor. Didn't happen. 

I'm disappointed. Not sure what went wrong. Diet? Stress from the move? Not enough sleep? 

It will most likely be awhile before I'll try a full deload week again, but in the meantime I'm going to focus on taking at least one full rest day a week. My rest days prior were consisting of power yoga or a light run. I'm going to commit to one day each week where I do nothing more then walk around the neighborhood. 

Meanwhile, I did a beast of a Crossfit workout yesterday. Have to admit, I missed the push.



Moving Diaries: Light Up My Life

Now that we're a bit more settled in Barbie's Dream Home, you may be wondering how Blair and I are spending our time. Are we creating gourmet meals in the chef's kitchen? Snuggling in front of the fireplace? Planning the elaborate dinners we'll host?

Nope. We spend most of our free time trying to figure out light switches. 

I have never seen so many light features in my life. The kitchen alone has eight switches. Eight! The other night I forbade Blair from turning off the counter top kitchen lights because the dishwasher was running and we weren't entirely sure which switch needed to remain on.


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