Hinson Lake 24-Hour Ultra Classic - Am I Ready?

Me at the 2012 Hinson 24-Hour Ultra Classic. I think this was around hour 6 or 7.This Saturday marks my return to Hinson Lake for the 24-hour Ultra Running Classic. Last year I ran 62 miles in 16 1/2 hours on the mile and a half loop course. I also ended the night in tears, as last year's race recap documents. 

This year I have, as always, 3 goals: 

  • Stretch Goal: 50 laps/76 miles
  • Moderate Goal: Anything over 62 miles is a win
  • Things Went Horribly Wrong Goal: Don't cause any lasting damage to my body

Here's the good news: With perhaps one exception, physically I'm in great shape. My running has never been faster and stronger. I've been doing some biking to cross-train and my abs are tuned up from Crossfit. (Never underestiamte the importance of a strong core for running!) 

Here's the not-bad-but-causing-some-concern-news. My ankles have been hurting for the past month or two, on and off my runs. My ankles are what took me out last year at Hinson and the year before at Crooked Road and that was when they felt fine going into the races. I'm not sure what to expect if my ankles are already sore before the first lap. 

At this point, there's nothing to be done about it. My plan this year is to start slow, take several extended (up to an hour or two) breaks, prop my feet up the wall often to pool blood away from my ankles and change shoes at least three times. That, and to eat. The best part of running ultras is the food. Lots and lots and lots of food.

I'm most excited because my friend Cindy will be running Hinson as well this year. And hubby Blair Harris makes a return appearance as crew member extraordinaire. 

A few people (bless you) have mentioned showing up to pace me on some laps. What I'd recommend is checking my Facebook page first, to make sure I'm still moving. Blair will post updates on my progress there. 

Of course, I'll have a full race recap for you next week. Until then... SLOW, STEADY and 75 MILES!!!

The White Jeans Coffee Disaster

Anytime I wear white, God takes it as a throw down.

Yesterday I'm sitting in a coffeeshop with a large coffee cooling beside me. I reach for my laptop bag and... BAM! I knock the full cup of coffee directly onto the right leg of my white jeans. 

After uttering a sedate, "Gee whilikers! What bad luck!" (Kidding--there were f-bombs dropping right and left), I hopped up and ran to the women's bathroom. I had a meeting in 30 minutes so there was no time to go home and change. 

My attempts to rub the stain out with paper towels resulted only in soggy towel bits clinging to the stained fabric. So I did what had to be done. I slipped the jeans off and stuck the right leg under cold running water, pumped a bunch of soap onto the jeans and started scrubbing. 

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The Power of A Sandwich

What's below is not my story but I wish it were. I was talking to a friend the other day and I asked her how her husband was doing. They've been married for almost twenty years. 

"Okay," she said. "We were talking on the phone last week and he was having a really bad day at work and I wanted to help so I asked him if he wanted to come home for a nooner."

"Nice," I said. "Very giving of you."

She snorted. 'It would of been. But that fool says to me, 'Nah. I think I'll just come home and have a sandwich.'"

I died laughing. I think you have to be married a really long time to get it. Sandwich...sex.  They both have their appeal.



Am I Becoming A Warm Weather Runner?

For the past 8 years since I've been running, I've always considered myself a cold-weather runner. While I'm  not crazy about the layers of clothes involved in 40 degree runs, there's no denying these runs are in some ways much easier then the oppressive, thick, humid runs of summer. 

In cold weather, the lungs fling themselves wide and take in great gulps of crisp air that propel you forward. Sweat evaporates into the atmosphere instead of smothering you like a second skin. And you feel crisp, and faster. 

I've never understood runners who said they prefer 90 degree temps for running. I assumed there was some sort of family lineage of mental illness and went out of my way to be kind to them. And yet...

When I've stepped outside the last few mornings (at 4:45 am to go to the gym so who's calling who crazy?) it's been on the brisk side. Not even close to cold, but just... not warm. And my reaction has been nothing short of horror. I don't want the cold weather to come back where it takes a mile of running before my toes begin to thaw. I don't want to haul out hats and scarves and arm warmers and hand warmers and gloves. I don't want to sit in my car until the very last few seconds before a group run starts in order to prevent frostbite. 

All of this from 60 degree temperatures. 

It's going to get ugly around here come wintertime. 

