I'm Not Busy

Whenever people ask me how I'm doing, I have a singular, standby answer: "Busy."

This, friends, is a bullshit response.

Let me explain. It's not that I'm not busy. With an active work and social life plus the (admittedly self-inflected) punishing workout schedule I adhere to, it seems there are rarely enough hours in the day. I am, in fact, busy. 

But so what? Who isn't busy? I can't think of one person in my circle of friends and acquaintances who would answer "How are you?" with "Pretty slow, really. Lots of down time to think, read and meditate on life. Yeah, not a lot going on." 


So I'm booting "busy" off my list of acceptable responses...

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Dating Diaries: He's Single

People, I have reached a new low. A friend texted me yesterday. Here's her message, in full:

"I have someone for you to go out with. He's single."

Really? This is the new standard by which I'll date? "He's single?" What happened to smart, funny, cute?" "He's single" is like saying, "Well, he's of the human species. I think. Wait--let me check his Linked In profile."

Awesome. Can't wait to meet. 

How are people describing me to potential dates? "She's a girl." That's it folks, bottom-line it for us single people.

Of course, I can't complain too much. My response? "Yeah, okay, whatever. Set me up."



Dating Diaries: They Weren’t All Bad – Part II

My last post about “good” dates was so popular, I’ve dug deep in my memory and unearthed a few more examples of why, sometimes, when the planets align, dating doesn’t totally suck.

[Click here to read the first installment in case you’re the kind of person who freaks out when you read things out of order.]

Good Date #4

I am not one to mark dates. “It’s the 3-month anniversary of our first kiss!” is not a phrase you’ll hear coming out of my mouth. But I was meeting a date for dinner and happened to have looked back at my calendar that day in search of something else, and randomly saw the first night I’d met Good Date #4 for a drink.

So that night at dinner, I mentioned it.

“This is actually our 6-week ‘anniversary,'” I said.

“Shit,” said my date.

“Okay,” I said. “Slightly hurtful and not the reaction I was hoping for, but we’ll roll with it.”

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My Love of the F-Bomb

There are few things in life that give me as much satisfaction as dropping an appropriately timed and well-deserved F-bomb. 

This doesn't mean I'm proud of this habit. Far from it. One of the things I like least about myself is my propensity to curse. It's unattractive and shows a lack of intelligence if the most creative and insightful thing I can think of to say is shit, fuck, or damn. 

And yet. 

I dropped a big one in my half-marathon on Sunday. I was running strong, racing toward my PR, when I came to the 5-mile water stop. 

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