As most of you are aware, my website was infiltrated by malware (malicious software) a couple of weeks ago. This means that anyone who has tried to visit any of my sites in the last few weeks receives a scary message that says going to my site may infect their computer.

My blog has not been affected as it's hosted by a stellar service called Squarespace. In the last few days, I've moved all my sites -,, and - to Squarespace. The old infected files were deleted and the sites have been rebuilt from scratch. The outward appearance of very site is the same but everything is new and clean.NO VIRUS - PROMISE.

HOWEVER, Google won't stop running the scary "infected site" message until they come back and recrawl my site and verify it's clean. Unfortunately, this is done at their discretion. I've submitted my site to them as being clean and have been told it could be up to a couple of weeks before they return to my site to verify it's clean and remove the message.

As a temporary work around, you can get to my new sites through these addresses:

Once Google revisits my domain name, I'll be able to drop the "squarespace" part of the URL and the normal "" or "" will again work.

Thanks for your patience with this. And a HUGE shout outMELODY WATSON, Squarespace designer extraoridinaire,who has devoted herself full time to my cause to get my sites rebuilt asap. Smooches, my dear friend. You're the best.

A Little More About Egypt

Click to Enlarge Apologies all around for being slow to update my blog. My main website ( and all linked sites (,, are still being held hostage by Google. I've uploaded clean files to the sites but Google can take weeks to revisit and reindex them as "clean" sites. To prevent this sort of the thing in the future, I'm moving all my sites from Netfirms (no help at ALL, thank you very much) to, which is where this blog is hosted. I might lose some traffic as the pages are reindexed, but it will be worth it to prevent future blow-outs. The "new" site will look just like my old one and still be at, but hopefully hackers won't be able to get in. I'll let everyone know when the moved site is available.

All of which is a long way of saying... I've been busy. Although not, perhaps, as busy as Blair, who has taken it upon himself to label ALL 700+ PHOTOS from Egypt. God bless him... that's a whole lotta computer time. But as he points out, a month from now we're not going to remember what's what, so may as well do it while memory is fresh. Once the labeling is complete (maybe this weekend) we'll post all photos online and let you indulge at will.

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Egypt Pictures

I went through the 700+ (yes, you read that right) photos and randomly grabbed some shots to share to give you at least a small flavor of our trip. If any one needs close up shots of Egyptian hierglyphics, I can hook you up. Meanwhile, click on the photos below to enlarge. I'll post more later. - Dena

Dena at GizaAt the Great Pyramid

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