I Bought A Bike

I bought a bike. Not a real bike, but an upright stationary bike. I can barely manage to walk a straight line without tripping so I thought it best I not place myself on two wobbly rubber circles and wheel myself into traffic. The local hospitals are busy enough without my adding to their stress levels.

Here's how I bought my bike. I walked into Play It Again Sports, hopped on three different models for a total of about 30 seconds each, then pointed at one and said, "That'll do."

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Papyrus Is All The Rage

When we travel internationally, we try to bring home one significant souvenir that, just by looking at it, will remind us of where we were and all the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of that particular journey. We brought back a whale-bone bowl from Alaska, pottery from Hawaii, decorative plates from Italy, knock-off cheap prints from Savannah that nevertheless captured the feel of the historic town for us. The only major failing we had was France. We waited until the final hours of our trip to souvenir shop and walked away with a decorative pillow with a stitching of the Eiffel Tower on it. WTF??
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What's Missing Here...

Had a FANTASTIC day today. Woke up at 5 and dressed for my trail run. Out the door by 6:15, 7 mile run on Laurel Bluff trail. Drove to Panera where I toweled off and sipped a small coffee while reading the paper for an hour until I met my trainer. Worked out for an hour with him (I fear my arms will be jello tomorrow). Toweled off again and drove back to Panera. Met a friend for coffee and carbo-loaded with a bagel. Drove home, showered, returned two phone calls, petted the cats, ran some errands...

Um. I forgot to work today. 

Okay, that's not entirely true. I FINALLY have the title for my newest cat book and I updated my proposal and marketing overview and sent the final (whoo-hoo!) edits to my agent. Also caught up on e-mails. But real work work? Not so much feeling it today. 

Try again tomorrow. 


Mid-Year Evaluation

Yesterday a good friend of mine shared the exciting news that he's left his job in order to devote the next several months to completing work on his first novel. This is something he's been dreaming of for quite some time and circumstances finally came together to allow him to pursue the dream. I'm thrilled beyond measure for him. Not many people have the good fortune--and the guts--to make a move like that. He's not going into this blind and I know he'll take advantage of every minute available to him.

It's funny, but seeing someone else taking time off to work on a book reminded me that--hey--isn't that what my life is supposed to be about?

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