Dermatomyositis Is My Life

The vacation blogs entries are momentarily on hold. At the moment, I'm up to my eyeballs in research on dermatomyositis, an inflammatory skin and muscle disease most commonly found in Shelties & Collies. I just yesterday received the 1700-word assignment and need to send interview questions to the top veterinary medical expert in the country by Friday. I'm frantically printing out research and trying to educate myself on the topic so as to be able to ask informed questions and not waste her time.

This by far will be the most technical article I've ever written. But I'm excited. I am term-paper queen. Give me a topic and let me research and write up the findings and I'm a happy girl. For me, the fun is in organizing mounds of research into sub-categories and then fitting the pieces together like a puzzle. Yes, I'm great fun at parties too...

Dermatomyositis research today, rewriting a new client's website tomorrow, hopefully completing both by Friday. I'm selling books this weekend at Madison's annual Artists on the Sidewalk. For those of you in the area, stop by on Saturday for a fun day of roaming around cute, historic Madison, NC. Sunday I may allow jet lag to kick in and catch up on sleep.

Have a good week...