The RIGHT Way to Eat Chocolate
/Late yesterday afternoon a client called and said his networking group was meeting tomorrow near my end of town and did I want to attend in his place as he would be busy with clients?
As it turned out, my schedule was free so I said yes. This morning I raced home from a trail run, showered, pulled out non-yoga or working-out related clothes and off I went.
BONUS. One of the presenter’s at today’s event was the owner of Loco for Coco, a gourmet chocolate shop in Greensboro. Her presentation included giving everyone a sampler tray of chocolate and teaching us the correct way to eat chocolate. Apparently my method of shoving huge chunks in my mouth and swallowing them almost whole is incorrect. Who knew?
Here’s the correct method:
1. Smell the chocolate. I was AMAZED at the difference smelling the chocolate makes in the taste experience. We tried to identify fruits and spices in the chocolate and just the aroma alone set the taste buds exploding.
2. Break the chocolate. Observe the texture. Was there a sharp snap? Is it a soft chocolate?
3. Place a small piece of the chocolate in your mouth and let it melt there for a moment. Then chew 3-5 times, allowing the remainder to dissolve on the tongue before swallowing.
Oh people—you must try this. It took the chocolate experience to a whole new level. Plus, I felt FULL after only a few small pieces of chocolate. Her 5-minute presentation transformed the way I will forever more eat chocolate.
The samples were wonderful, especially a dark chocolate with ginger and wasabi. Even with my love of chocolate, I would never think to pick up a piece that had either ingredient. OMG. Probably my new favorite food on the planet. She also had a kaluha Belgian truffle that – when eaten slowly, as instructed, just exploded in the mouth. We tasted chocolate, the liquor (non-alcoholic), and chocolate again.
If you’re in the area, I strongly recommend you go by Loco for Coco at 1420-D Westover Terrace (across from Lucky 32). And if you’re not in the area, I suggest you get here, pronto, and eat some chocolate.
And buy some to send to me. =)