Now Appearing...

[We pause this blog for more relentless self-promotion.]

A few of you have been kind enough to ask if I have any book signings in the immediate area. I've got a link on the Who Moved My Mouse? website that lists Dena's Appearances. You can check there for updates but below I've listed a few area upcoming events. Book signings can be a lonely time. I myself have avoided eye contact with many an author in a bookstore who sat alone and uncomfortable amid their pile of "please buy me" books. Don't let that be me! Come out and support your favorite cat author! 



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Happy News! Special Needs Kitty Found A Home

In case you're searching around your desk this Wednesday afternoon for some good news, let me toss some in your lap. Thumper, the special needs kitty from yesterday's post, found a home! My friend Rudy submitted pictures of Thumper to a local new station and a woman from Elkin who fosters cats saw his picture and called the Cat Clinic. It was kind of a meant-to-be moment as the woman stated she rarely stays up to watch the 11 o'clock news, but on this night she did and when Thumper's little face and story went up, she knew she could care for him. She has an outdoor cat enclosure with access to a finished basement for her cats. Thumper goes to his new home on Friday.

Yea WXII! Yea nice woman who is adopting Thumper! Yea Cat Clinic of Greensboro for believing in this little cat! Yea Wednesdays!

Good stuff happening out there, people. Good stuff. 

Special Needs Kitty Needs A Home

Meet Thumper. I know. How cute is he?

Thumper needs your help. He is a special needs kitty, which makes finding him a forever home a bit of a challenge. Thumper is a 4-month old male, neutered, who has either trauma or congenital issues where he has to walk on the back of his back legs (versus upright on his back feet). He gets around great but the damage has left him incontinent. Right now he's walking around The Cat Clinic of Greensboro swaddled in diapers (which is about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time). 

The people who found Thumper have paid for his care thus far, but they authorized euthanasia because they do not want to see him suffer.  He's not suffering right now. He is a normal kitten in every other way. Loves to play, bat at things, and revs his big 'ol purring motor up the moment you touch him.

Right now he's in diapers, although he's too small for the the xxs to fit just right so they tend to slide off while he's playing. But he's very adaptable and hasn't tried to rip them off. The diapers work but aren't completely leak-proof. He does better on tile floors than carpet, which tends to leave sores on the back of his hindlegs. Thumper may make a good outdoor cat, so long as he's kept close to a house.

Thumper is VERY sweet. My friend Rudy works at the Cat Clinic and she reports that Thumper comes up and taps her on the leg when he wants food or hugs. 

If you know of anyone willing to discuss taking on a special needs kitty, please have them contact the Cat Clinic of Greensboro. Thumper is full of life and is a great little cat. He just needs some special attention. 

Don't we all?


Lucy_Cat Tooth Extraction

Lucy is scheduled for a tooth extraction this morning, which means we couldn't feed either cat after 10 P.M. last night. I waited until late to feed the cats, thinking that if they ate late, the morning hunger pains wouldn't be quite so fierce. Of course, both cats had zero interest in food last night. I'm on the floor at 9 PM, throwing food at both cats, trying to engage them. No luck. "You are going to be two hungry kitties in the morning," I warned.

This morning was brutal. For me. I'm eating cereal and both cats are lined up in front of an empty food dish. They turn their heads to watch me chew my food, then turn a sad gaze back to their dish. "The guilt is killing me," I called to Blair.


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