A Glimpse Into Why My Cooking Skills May Go Unappreciated...
/My soup looked JUST LIKE THIS. I even had the pretty white bowl working for me. My food never looks like the picture, so I'm stoked.Tonight I made Hearty Bean & Grain Soup. The soup is full of healthy foods like kale, kidney beans, and buckwheat. All in all, it took close to an hour to prepare. [My fault, as I forgot to cook the buckwheat ahead of time.] Once I got all the chopping, food processing, sauteing, simmering and mixing in line, I was left with a heavenly pot of too-good-to-be true tasty soup.
I also threw some thick french bread under the broiler. I'm a pretty staunch anti-white flour girl, but I didn't have time to get by the health food store this week and pick up something better.
Blair came home from work, went for a run, then headed back to the kitchen to ladle himself a big bowl of soup. He returned to the front room 20 minutes later, where I sat typing on my laptop.
"I learned something about myself today," he said, easing down onto the couch.
"Really? What's that?" I asked.
"I learned I freaking LOVE bread."
I sighed. "There was soup too. Did you even taste the soup?"
"Oh yeah, the soup was good." He paused. "But the bread spanked it."
Seriously. Some days you just wonder why you try...