All is Well

Hot water came gushing back about 9 o'clock last night. I immediately went to work stomping my carbon footprint into the earth by running a load of laundry, the dishwasher, and taking an unnecessarily long and hot shower.

I've got a lot going on for a Sunday. There's an Animal Protection Society ( meeting this afternoon where I'm being voted onto the Board. I'm going to dive in and assume Secretarial responsibilities because, frankly, it seems the perfect match for my anal-retentive tendencies.

I'm VERY excited about the work the group has done and is doing. When they formed a year or so ago, GAS CHAMBERS were still being used to kill animals in our county (that's illegal in most states). The Euthanasia rate was close to 90% for animals at the "shelter" -- the tarp-covered building with cement floors where animals were stuffed in not-so-good conditions.

The euthanasia rate is now down around 58%, a new shelter director just came on staff and--best of all--the county has agreed an animal shelter is desperately needed and has put up $800,000 toward the 1.6 million dollar facility. The new facility will have a spay/neuter operating room, seperate spaces for dogs and cats, dog runs for exercise, a "meet and greet" room where people can spend times with animals they're considering adopting and more.

We have to raise $800,000 which is daunting in a rural county already suffering but I have hope. One couple just donated $50,000 (bless them). I think it's possible to raise the rest. So many people understand the love an animal offers and don't want to see animals suffer. Rather, they want to offer them a chance at a real home with people-parents who love them. I think shelter animals know how lucky they are when they find a a forev er home. Any one who's ever adopted a shelter dog or cat always says the same thing, "He/She is the BEST pet I've ever had."

We'll get there. Even if it's one dollar at a time.