100 Pushup Challenge: Week 4 Stress Test

Week four of the One Hundred Push Up Challenge asks you to perform a stress test - simply do as many push-ups as you can to failure. 

I wandered into our exercise room before breakfast, did a quick 30-second wall sit to get the blood pumping, waved my arms about in the air a bit to loosen them, then dropped to the ground and went at it.

45. That's my number. Kind of disappointed as I'm pretty sure I could have done 50 if I had just stuck to it. However, once any form of pain sets in my mind pings and says, "Okay, good enough," and I quit. 

Still, 45 push-ups is excellent for me. A couple of months ago I could maybe eke out 25. So overall I'm pretty proud of myself. Still can't quite get my mind around being able to drop and do 100 though. 

Week 5 looks scary. The first day asks you to do sets of 36, 40, 30, 24, and 40 pushups with only a minute break between sets. Uh-huh. Yup. You betcha. 

How goes it for the rest of the crew? 

One Hundred Pushup Challenge Check In

How we doin'? All my strong-armed readers who are pumping those push-ups out on a weekly basis - let's hear from you. Dad, Nicole, Melody, Kay, Nathan, Amy, Lisa... are you still with me?

This past week was my 3rd go round with week 3. There are three days of push-ups. Day 1 was... okay. Kind of getting back in the saddle. Day 2 was horrid. I did the required amount but arms were shaking and I'm not quite sure my last few pushups on each set were more than just a token bend of the arms. 

Day 3, however, was redeeming. Good form, didn't feel winded and tired until near the end of each set, and managed decent form the whole way through. I think it depends on what kind of day you catch yourself on. Kay mentioned she does her pushups AFTER her track and tempo workouts. I can't begin to imagine having the willpower to do that. I do mine on track and tempo run days but I do the pushups early in the morning and give myself a good 5-8 hours before I have to run. 

I'm not going to lie to you: Week 4 looks scary. Plus, there's a stress test at the end of the week where you do as many push-ups as you can to failure. I might do them with my trainer to keep me honest. 

I've talked with a few of you about your progress, but still chime in and let the group (oh okay, and the world) know how it's going for you.

100 is getting closer....

One Hundred Pushups

Who's up for a challenge? 

The goal: Do 100 pushups without stopping

The reward: Um... not much other than the satisfaction of a job well done 

When: Starting Monday July 13th, 2009

I'm such a sucker for a challenge. My friend Lisa e-mailed me the link to the One Hundred Pushups website and asked if I wanted to join her in training for it. Uh... yeah! Pain, suffering, and possible humiliation? Count me in. 

The site gives instructions on how to test your current pushup fitness level and determine your starting point. It then outlines up to a 6 week training program to get you to 100 pushups. The site says 30 minutes a week but I'll be surprised if it even takes that much time.

Right now I can do about 35 decent form pushups without stopping so I'm going to start the training in week 3. Lisa assures me she's going for it as well. Any other takers?