Marathon Training: A Run I Want to Remember

Bear with me, it's yet another blog post on running. I try to keep them to somewhat of a minimum but, as my October 11th marathon draws ever closer, I find myself thinking more and more often about physical strength, mental reserves, and race day strategy.

My 20-mile long run yesterday is one I want to remember for a number of reasons.

First, it was my fastest 20-miler to date, clocking in at a breezy 2 hours and 57 minutes, which is an 8:58/mile pace, a full 7 seconds per mile faster than my scheduled pace for the day. That alone deserves a big wa-hoo

Second, I did the run on a day where it was already 72 degrees at 6:30 am AND the humidity level was off the charts. We were dripping before we ever took our first step. 

And third, I want to remember this run because I was pretty sure by mile 5 that I was going to have to quit

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