Will Run for Friends

One of the hardest decisions in moving to Atlanta was knowing I would be leaving behind my 25-year network of friends. These are friends that saw me through job changes (insurance adjuster, librarian, author, marketing maven), life changes (divorce, moves, dating), as well as were there for everything from my first published book to my first marathon to holding my hand when my cat died. A lot of years, a lot tears, much more laughter, and oodles and oodles of love. 

In other words—not something easily replaced. 

Of course, I’m not “leaving behind” friends but since the five-hour drive between Atlanta and Greensboro isn’t convenient for a quick movie or fro-yo meet-up, the burden is on me to make new friends. 

The obvious place to make friends, for me, is the gym. I joined a big-ass Lifetime Fitness...

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Smug Marrieds: Running Club

Last week, Blair forwarded me an e-mail from his office about some sort of running group there. Apparently there's a friendly competition about who can win the most races (with age-adjusted times) or run the most miles in a year. The competition is open to the spouses and family of employees. 

"I got your e-mail about the running group," I told him. "But I'm not clear on exactly how it works."

"I'm not sure either," said Blair. "I think it's just something fun all the runners do."

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